Horsemanship Breakthroughs Podcast

Equestrian, Horse Training, Horsemanship, Horse Riding. The Horsemanship Breakthroughs podcast is a source for equestrian riding and horse training insights with the goal of helping your horse be a happy, light, and willing partner. Bringing you information and interviews with like-minded equine trainers to help you on your horsemanship, horse training, groundwork, equestrian, and riding journey.

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
12 Ways to Have a More Relaxed Session with Your Horse
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Have you ever had a session with your horse where it feels like you’re walking on eggshells… everything is tense, your horse is worried, and you feel like the slightest thing can set them off? 😬🐎
I’ve been there too, and that’s exactly why I recorded this latest episode of The Horsemanship Breakthroughs Podcast: 12 Ways to Have a More Relaxed Session with Your Horse.
I’ve recognised that there are specific things I do on days when everything feels much more relaxed, and I’d love to share them with you! My hope is that you and your horse can also feel more at ease, have more fun, and ultimately get better results from your time together.
Relaxation isn’t just a "nice to have"… it’s fundamental to great horsemanship.
When you and your horse are relaxed, everything improves:✔️ Your connection deepens ✔️ Learning becomes easier for you both ✔️ It’s safer for both of you ✔️ Athletic maneuvers and performance work improve ✔️ And most importantly… it just feels better and is more enjoyable for you both!
You can expect to gain valuable insights on how to set up your sessions for success so that you and your horse can be relaxed and happy! I’ve noticed a huge difference in myself and my own horses when I incorporate these techniques.
This episode also kicks off SEASON 2 of The Horsemanship Breakthroughs Podcast! 🎉🎉
I’d love to hear your thoughts after you listen! 🎧💬 Let me know one thing you’ll try from these 12 tips in your next session!
I hope you enjoy the show! ❤️🐴
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
If you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
If you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram or Facebook (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening! Please send this podcast to all your horsey friends- it helps spread the word of good horsemanship and ultimately have a positive impact on the horse world!

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Life has been full of big changes for me lately, and in this episode, I’m catching you up on everything - both personally and professionally. I’ll be sharing how my approach to horsemanship is evolving, unpacking my thoughts on using food rewards, pressure, and the ethical considerations that come with training horses. I can’t wait to share my breakthroughs with you. Plus I have a surprise personal announcement 😁💕 I hope you enjoy the show!
What I talk about in this episode:
My ongoing quest for a better way with horses
My deep dive into positive reinforcement - breakthroughs and learnings:
the setup
the marker signal
small approximations
undoing things
mindset shifts
the power of R+
plateus and pain
the restriction
the moral high ground
What has stopped me from taking a more ‘pure’ R+ approach & why I still use ‘pressure’
How I’m tweaking my use of R+ after this most recent deep dive
Surprise Personal Announcement
What I'm doing now with my horses & horse business
Other things I’m studying/interested in
Motherhood & horses
2 new and exciting opportunities to connect with like-minded horse people
📚 Book & Resource List: Get all the books & recommendations mentioned on the podcast →
🐴 Free Mini-Course: Build a deeper connection & communication with your horse →
🏋️♀️ Free Rider Exercises: Improve your biomechanics with 10 unmounted exercises →
💪 8-Week Rider Exercise Program: Transform your riding with structured, rider-specific exercises →
🐎 Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy: Create a happy, confident, and trusting partnership with your horse on the ground and in the saddle →
🚛 Trailer Loading Success: Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with this $9 roadmap →
🔔 Follow the show so you don’t miss future episodes! Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbean, and YouTube.
⭐ Leave a rating and review to help spread the word of good horsemanship! Your support makes a big difference!
📸 Take a screenshot and share this episode on social media! I'd love to hear what resonated with you the most! And knowing that this pod has made an impact makes my day!
🤝 Connect with me on Instagram @amalia_horses and Facebook: Amalia Dempsey Horsemanship
💕 Explore more horsemanship resources at
Keywords: Horsemanship, Rider Biomechanics, Positive Reinforcement, Horse Training, Liberty Training, Postpartum Riding Fitness, Equine Welfare, Ethical Horse Training, Groundwork Exercises, Enrichment for Horses, Clicker Training, Horse & Rider Connection, Strength & Mobility for Riders, Return to Riding Program, Balanced Riding, Harmony with Horses, Horse Behavior & Communication, Holistic Horsemanship, Ethical Riding Practices, Mindful Horsemanship, Classical Dressage, Softness & Lightness, Rider Posture & Alignment, Core Strength for Riders, Horse Agility, Bitless Riding, Bareback Riding, Young Horse Development, Confidence Building for Riders, Problem-Solving in Horse Training

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
I stumbled across the amazing Connie Colfox on Horse & Country TV watching her use positive reinforcement to help top eventing riders with ‘problem’ horse behaviours.
She was able to really impress these riders with how quickly she could change these talented horse’s minds about something they were struggling with.
In the words of Connie: “We really want horses to feel comfortable in the world they live in. By giving them a broad grounding with positive reinforcement we build trust to take on the challenges we encounter together”.
I was particularly interested in what she said around the 23-minute mark of this episode, and I agree that what she mentions here is a huge part of horses performing beyond their natural capabilities - and conversely why sometimes performance drops despite better riding!
I found Connie to be extremely humble, despite her decades of horse experience and knowledge, and she shares a balanced view and open approach to horsemanship, forever observing and learning from the horse.
If you have a horse with some ‘problem’ behaviours or you are a performance rider curious about how positive reinforcement could help your horse, you will love this episode with Connie! Let me know what you think!
You can find out more about Connie here:
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!

Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
In this episode, I answer all your bitless riding questions!✨🐴
What bitless bridle do I recommend? How to get started riding bitless? What is the process? How do you know when you’re ready to ride bitless on a trail? And more!
Riding bitless and bridleless is an amazing feeling, and possible for any horse and rider- even if right now you’re riding with a bit and you feel like your horse is strong or heavy.
But riding bitless does require a level of connection, confidence, and communication between horse & rider (aka the fundamentals of horsemanship!).
I teach you how to get that with your horse in Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy which opens for enrolment on October 18th, 2023 👏🏼🥳
Everyone on the HFA waitlist will get access to an exclusive early-bird offer! 🤩So head on over to to get on the list and be the first to know when enrolment opens on October 18th 🙌🏼😁
In the meantime, enjoy this episode, all about bitless riding! 😍
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Often people will contact me for help with their new, young, or green horse.
It’s sometimes not until we have a new horse that we become curious and start to question how we can ‘best’ set up this new relationship.
Problems may arise with a new horse that we might not have had with a previous one, and we wonder how we can best help them.
It’s common to be a little afraid of making mistakes with a new horse, as not to ‘tarnish’ the new relationship.
In this episode, I talk about how you can start off on the ‘right’ path with your new horse so that you can have a healthy happy relationship with them AND achieve your riding goals.
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
David Lichman is a 5-Star Master Parelli Professional with a specialty in Liberty Horses. He teaches worldwide, helping students find a better relationship with their horses, and the relaxation and posture fundamental to all riding.
David has performed with his three-horse act, which includes bridle-less riding and riding to music. He is the creator of the DVD set Liberty Outside the Round Pen, enabling students to play at Liberty with exuberance in large open areas. David lives in California with his wife, two children, nine horses, four dogs, four cats and dozens of chickens, pigeons and canaries.
In David’s words: “I don’t see them as horses, I see them as friends. They have names, desires and needs – as do I. Friends help fulfil each other’s needs and desires.”
In this episode, we discuss:
David’s horsemanship journey and how he came to use a mix of positive and negative reinforcement in his training with horses
The common objections for both reinforcement styles and David’s thoughts on those and why he uses both
Some of the incredible things he has been able to achieve with multiple horses at liberty
How to give your horse a happy life beyond the basic needs.
Insights from discussions David has had with other famous trainers such as Katja Schumann, Frederic Pignon, and Bent Branderup plus who else he would like to have dinner with!
Handy tools that David uses get his horse’s itchy spots, and prevent hock sores
Plus all the usual fun horsemanship breakthroughs questions!
Enjoy the show!
Find out more about David here:
Davids Facebook Group:
Here are links to the videos he references in the show:
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Wild Mustangs, Mongol Derby, and Building Awareness with Callie King
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
If you’ve ever searched anything horse related on YouTube, you’ve probably come across Callie King, who’s YouTube channel has over 300 videos on riding and training horses, and 124,000 subscribers.
Callie has a holistic science-based approach to riding, considering the health and soundness of the horse, the suitability of saddle and tack, and the individuality of each horse and rider.
Callie strives to create a positive learning environment for students and horses, always looking for ways to make learning fun, and incorporate the newest information and research on psychology, behaviour, and learning into her teaching and training.
Callie also publishes a weekly video blog and creates online courses on riding, training, and horse care with her global horse riding education platform, Horse Class (previously known as CRK training)
In Callie’s words:
“Because of the horse I am aware. Aware of myself and of others. Because of the horse I have more patience, empathy, and forgiveness. Time spent with horses makes me a better person, one day at a time”
In this episode we discuss:
Callie’s horsemanship journey from including training wild mustangs and starting the global horse riding education company: Horse Class
The surprising difference between wild mustangs and the domestic horses in their ability to return to relaxation after a startle
The importance of awareness, slowing down, and listening to the horse’s subtle communication in the training
A common cause of horse behavioural and health issues
Callie’s favourite mentors that have helped her become the trainer and rider she is today
A discussion around the behavioural science and the use of positive and negative reinforcement in training horses
Her new journey with her horse Canello focusing on developing connection
Her experience participating in the longest horse race in the world, what’s involved, and what she learnt through participating
Plus so much more!
Enjoy the show!
Find out more about Callie here:
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Empowering Riders Through Dressage Naturally Clinics with Karen Rohlf
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
In this episode, I welcome Karen Rohlf back to The Horsemanship Breakthroughs Podcast in exciting anticipation of her upcoming clinics in Australia! 🥳We talk all about the clinic experience, what we can expect, what to do as a rider if you’re nervous, how to best prepare for a clinic, and we touch on the heart of what dressage naturally is all about! 🥰🐴
Enjoy the show!
You can find out more and sign up for the South Australian Karen Rohlf Clinic here:
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
The Art of Classical Equitation with Belinda Bolsenbroek
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Make a better life for horses...
~𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑩𝒐𝒍𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒆𝒌
Belinda rides dressage in a way that makes you stop and go: 'I want what she's got!'
The horses look happy, athletic, and light. She is poised, elegant, and clearly an effective rider with very subtle aids.
It's how dressage is supposed to be!
When I saw videos of Belinda riding (and hearing her chat with Manolo Mendez and Andrew Turnball), I just *had* to interview her on the podcast to hear more and share her horsemanship ethos with the world...
Belinda Bolsenbroek is an international authority on the Art of Classical Equitation in which the historic relationship between horse and human is expressed as a spiritual connection between two beings.
Belinda harnesses the wisdom of the Old Masters, combines that wisdom with the science of biomechanics and shapes them both into a clear and defined practice that allows you to take your horsemanship to the next level.
In this episode, we discuss:
⚜️ Belinda’s upbringing with horses from competitive riding on Dutch warmbloods, international competition, Olympic ambitions and her turning point towards classical dressage.
⚜️ Belinda’s healthy and holistic approach to training horses.
⚜️ The evolution of competitive dressage and why many classical riders don’t compete.
⚜️ How contact should feel when it is based on connection not force.
⚜️ Belinda’s interests in the thoracic sling, and nervous system of the horse.
⚜️ The importance of reflection and questioning in your horsemanship journey.
⚜️ Belinda’s viewpoint on contact with the reins and how it should feel.
⚜️ Her interesting answer to the favourite horse purchase question! I think Belinda might be starting a new trend with this one!
⚜️ All the usual fun horsemanship breakthroughs questions.
⚜️ Plus so much more!
You can find out more about Belinda and her resources here:
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
The 4 best types of exercise for equestrians | Equestrian Rider Biomechanics Series
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Have you ever wondered what are the best types of exercises you should do to improve your riding? 🐎💪
Whether you do yoga, pilates, gym, running, dance, or some other form of exercise- it’s not about the ‘discipline’ - it’s about whether the exercises in your program are actually improving the qualities you need to be an effective rider and move in harmony with your horse. 🏋️♀️🏇🔝
In episode 56 of The Horsemanship Breakthroughs Podcast, I outline the 4 best types of exercises that all equestrians should include in their exercise regime to improve their riding. 🎙️👌
And if you want to follow a program that is specifically designed for riders including these 4 types of exercises, in an easy-to-implement format - join my 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program: 📆👩🏫
🔗 [Enter code HB56 for 10% off in June & July] 👇🏼
Enjoy the pod! 🎧😊____
Discover a deeper connection & communication with your horse with this free mini-course at
Sign up for weekly Horsemanship Breakthrough emails, where each week I send you a little bite-sized horsemanship breakthrough that has helped me on my journey, in the hope that it will also help you with your horse. Just go to:
Get a list of all the books & resource recommendations mentioned in the podcast here:
Improve your rider biomechanics through unmounted exercises with these 10 Free Rider Specific Exercises to improve your riding at:
And if you’re ready for a complete riding transformation through exercises join the 8 Week Rider Specific Exercise Program at:
Say goodbye to stressful trailer loading with the $9 30-minute Trailer Loading Success Roadmap:
Want your horse to be happy, calm, trusting, confident on the ground and riding? Join Horsemanship Fundamentals Academy, where I teach you how to achieve this and more with your horse:
No matter where you are in the world I can help you and your horse through online coaching. Click here to book your session:
And if you’re loving this podcast, please screenshot this episode and upload to Instagram (make sure you tag me @amalia_horses so I can reshare!) Let me know your biggest breakthrough from listening!